Sunday, November 7, 2010


Welcome Church of Christ family and Facebook Friends who may have found their way to "Mikail's Journey" today.

Following Mikail's Baby Dedication we were asked to write a little testimony of our journey with Mikail these past few months and it would be placed in the Church bulletin. What a task it was trying to put into a few short words, that fit onto a 1/2 a sheet of paper, the journey we have been on these past few months. I finally came to the realization that it is impossible, so we fit as much as we could onto the page we were given and then decided to share some of the blog entries I have written over the past few months as I've been working through this journey.

If you are new to the world of blogging, it may be of help for you to know that the newest entries in a blog are at the top of the page. So, in order to start reading at the beginning of our story, you will need to scroll down to the bottom of this website to the entry titled "A Labour of Love", and read each entry moving your way up on the web page until you come back to this entry I am writing this morning.

I hope you find much joy and feel blessed by reading a bit of our journey. No matter the trials and tribulations of life. No matter the outcome in the end, we serve an AMAZING heavenly Father.

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